Halloween is Friday, October 31st, 2014. Are you ready?
1. Watch for diet treats. Make sure it does NOT contain Xylitol - which is an artificial sweetener.
2. Look out for chocolates. Especially dark - it can cause increased heart rates, shaking, seizures & even death.
3. Avoid grapes and raisins. They can cause kidney failure.
4. Beware of Macadamia nuts. They can cause hind-leg weakness & fleeting paralysis.
1. Don't allow your dog access to pennies. Pups will eat almost anything - these can cause kidney breakdown.
2. Don't leave harmful objects in your dog's reach.
3. Don't let "scary" visitors and mischievous people approach your dog.
4. Don't leave your pooch wearing his costume unsupervised. You don't want them to get tangled up & choke on it.
**For more info, please visit: